2nd Coordination Meeting under ODAP was conducted in İstanbul on 11 and 12 January 2024 with the participation of the Department Heads in the General Directorate of Secondary Education of the Ministry of National Education, relevant staff of the Ministry, vice-principals in the pilot provinces, unit managers, guidance teachers and the teachers in charge of the EWS in the pilot schools.
The meeting was held within the framework of the main goals of ODAP in order to present the progresses made and upcoming Project activities as well as analysing the potential challenges of the implementation phase of the ODAP Integration Model.
The first day of the 2nd Coordination Meeting, which continued for 2 days and where the recommendations and risk mitigation strategies were discussed with the 50 pilot schools in order to ensure smooth implementation, started with the opening speeches.
Thereafter, ODAP Team Leader informed the participants about the progress made within the scope of the Project. The importance of keeping the School Action Plans updated was emphasised, and participants were informed about the results of the monitoring visits in the field.
The 2nd Coordination Meeting continued with the presentation of the updated & latest status of the Early Warning System and with the information to the participants about the improvements made on the EWS upon the problems observed in the field.
Then, groupwork stated. The participants came together around the tables according to the provinces they came from and worked on the improvements that should be made on the EWS and provided recommended solutions specific to their provinces.
The first day of the meeting ended after the presentation of the groupwork results and receiving feedback.
The second day of the 2nd Coordination Meeting focused on “Mentoring Services”. In the first session, where the guidance teachers from the pilot schools participated online, information was provided about how the mentoring services should proceed.
In the second session, information was provided about the Creative Educational Activities to be implemented in the second semester of the academic year. Working groups were established and recommendations on the school fests and Activity Labs Fair and Competition were discussed.
The 2nd Coordination Meeting ended after the information on the activities to be carried out in the upcoming months was provided, participants received their certificates of participation, and a family photo was taken.
Additionally, the participants received Information Booklet, which was specifically prepared for the 2nd Coordination Meeting.