3rd Steering Committee Meeting Conducted

The Third Steering Committee Meeting was held in Ankara on 19th June 2023. Project’s Consortium Leader Eductrade S.A, Directorate of European Union and Financial Assistance of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, The European Union Delegation to Türkiye and the Operation Coordination Unit representatives in the General Directorate of Secondary Education of the Ministry of National Education as the Project Beneficiary attended the meeting in addition to the representatives of the universities, civil society organisations and related state institutions.

The opening speeches were delivered by Prof. Dr. Mustafa BALCI, the Sector Manager in the European Union Delegation to Türkiye as well as Mr. Halil İbrahim TOPÇU, the General Director of Secondary Education in the Ministry of National Education. Following the opening speeches, Ms. Emine AKINCI, the Head of Research, Development and Projects Department in the General Directorate of Secondary Education in the Ministry of National Education, delivered her brief presentation on the Project on behalf of the Beneficiary Institution.

Following the exchange of information on the activities carried out and planned to be carried out within the scope of ODAP, the meeting was concluded with the opinions and recommendations of the participants.

The next Steering Committee Meeting is planned to be held in December 2023.

The Workshop for The Implementation of The Model Conducted in İzmir

Within the framework of the main goals of ODAP, the workshop, which was organised for the implementation of the Prevention, Intervention and Compensation Model to fight against the Early School Leaving (ESL) and for the development of the Model Implementation Guide, was conducted in İzmir between the dates of 5th and 9th June 2023.

The contents of the Model and how the Integrated Model would be implemented were discussed with the feedback of the participants, the roles of the related actors were defined in relation to the delivery of the services specific to the Integrated Model, and a comprehensive analysis was carried out on the components of the Model.

The opening speech of the meeting was delivered by Ms. Emine AKINCI, the Head of Research, Development and Projects Department in the General Directorate of The Secondary Education of the Ministry of National Education, and by Dr. Mustafa BALCI, the Education & Training Sector Manager in the European Union Delegation to Türkiye. Teachers from 50 pilot schools, representatives of the Provincial and District Directorates and the representatives of the stakeholder General Directorates affiliated to the Ministry of National Education as well as the academicians participated in the meeting.

The model, which has been developed in order to support the implementation of the prevention, intervention and compensation measures in the fight against the Early School Leaving (ESL), will lay the foundations of the pilot actions to be taken in the 50 pilot schools in 14 provinces. The pilot implementation period of the Model for ODAP will start in 14 pilot provinces of the Project in the 2023 – 2024 school year.

Round Table Meetings Completed

The Round Table meetings, organised with a view to creating and analysing School Action Plans for the prevention of the absenteeism and early school leaving and to obtaining the opinions, recommendations, and feedback of the schools therefor, were completed within the scope of ODAP.

The Round Table meetings were conducted with the participation of school administrators and teachers from the pilot schools as well as the related experts from the Project Technical Assistance Team in Şanlıurfa, Hatay, Afyonkarahisar, Ankara, Çankırı, Trabzon, Ağrı, Nevşehir, İstanbul, Tekirdağ, Sakarya, Şırnak, Bingöl and Hakkari, which are the 14 pilot provinces within the scope of the Project. In the meetings carried out, the participants got the chance to discuss and provide their opinions related to the contents of the School Action Plans.

The School Action Plans will be prepared in line with the current situation and needs analysis and the outputs of the Round Table meetings conducted within the scope of the Project. With the School Action Plans, the work to be done in the schools during the prevention, intervention and compensation stages designed within the scope of the Project will have been determined.

As a result of the meetings, a total of 50 individual action plans will have been prepared for each school.

The First Coordination Meeting under ODAP held in Trabzon

The first coordination meeting, which was organised with a view to managing the implementation phase of the prevention, intervention, and compensation model within the framework of the main objectives of ODAP, was held in Trabzon on the dates between 4 and 5 May 2023.

The opening speech of the meeting was delivered by Ms. Emine Akıncı, who is the Head of Research, Development and Projects Department in the General Directorate of The Secondary Education of the Ministry of National Education. Teachers and administrators from 50 pilot schools, representatives of the provincial and district directorates and the representatives of the stakeholder General Directorates affiliated to the Ministry of National Education participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, a general overview of ongoing activities and progress made within the scope of the Project, preparation process of the School Action Plans and the implementation stages of the Model, which will be launched in 2023-2024 School Year, was provided and the participants exchanged information and experience.

A total of 4 coordination meetings are going to be held within the scope of this activity. With the coordination meetings, the aim is to provide guidance to the staff working in the Provincial and District Directorates of the National Education as well as the teachers and administrators working in the pilot provinces and to develop effective communication and coordination with them in relation to the prevention, intervention, and compensation model to be developed.

Round Table Meetings under the Preparation of the Pilot School Action Plans Conducted in Şanlıurfa and Hatay

Round table meetings, which was organised with a view to creating and analysing School Action Plans for the prevention of the absenteeism and early school leaving and to obtaining the opinions, recommendations, and feedback of the schools therefor, took place in Şanlıurfa on 26th April 2023 and in Hatay on 28th April 2023 within the scope of ODAP.

In line with the current situation and needs analysis evaluations, School Action Plans will be created for our pilot schools to prevent absenteeism and early school leaving. With the prepared action plans, the work to be done in the schools during the prevention, intervention and compensation stages designed within the scope of the Project will have been determined.

In the meetings carried out in Şanlıurfa and Hatay, the participants got the chance to discuss and provide their opinions related to the contents of the School Action Plans. School administrators and teachers from the pilot schools and Project Technical Assistance Team attended the meeting.

Within the scope of the preparation of the School Action Plans for the pilot schools, a total of 14 round table meetings will be organised, as a result of which a total of 50 individual action plans will have been prepared for each school.

Round table meetings, which was organised with a view to creating and analysing School Action Plans for the prevention of the absenteeism and early school leaving and to obtaining the opinions, recommendations, and feedback of the schools therefor, took place in Şanlıurfa on 26th 2023 and in Hatay on 28th April 2023 within the scope of ODAP.

Workshop on the Evaluation of the Pre-Test Results of the Measurement Tools

ODAP kapsamında, öğrencilerin hazırbulunuşluk düzeylerini değerlendirmek üzere üretilen ölçme araçlarının ön test sonuçlarının değerlendirildiği çalıştay, 10 Nisan 2023 tarihinde Ankara’da gerçekleştirildi.

Ankara’da yer alan 6 pilot okulumuzda öğrenim gören 9. Sınıf düzeyindeki yaklaşık 1000 öğrenciyle gerçekleştirilen ön pilotlama çalışmasında toplanan veriler proje kapsamında geliştirilen Erken Uyarı Sistemi’ne de katkı sağlayacak.

İlgili ölçme araçları ve bu ölçme araçları ile toplanan veriler; Millî Eğitim Bakanlığının temsilcileri, ölçme araçlarını uygulayan öğretmenler, istatistikçiler ve ilgili uzmanların katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen çalıştayda değerlendirildi. Hazırlanmış olan ölçme araçlarına, yapılan değerlendirmeler ve verilen geri bildirimler ile son şekli verilerek, Eylül 2023 döneminde başlayacak olan pilotlama aşamasına hazır hale getirilecek.

The Second Workshop for The Development of Measurement Tools for Determination of Readiness Level of Students Completed

The second workshop, which focused on Mathematics, Reading Comprehension and Affective field within the framework of the activity titled “Organisation of workshops for the development of measurement tools for determination of readiness level of students and preparation of a guideline” under the intervention of “Institutional Capacity Building, Services and Trainings for Target Groups” within the scope of ODAP, took place in Ankara on the dates between 24th and 26th January 2023.

In the three-day workshop, where the participants continued their work in three groups, measurement tools and guidelines prepared for the determination of readiness level of students were evaluated. The measurement tools prepared in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Reading Comprehension aim at determining the academic readiness level of students while the other measurement tool aims at measuring the affective levels of students. As a result of these efforts, it is aimed to finalise the measurement tools and implementation guidelines for the determination of the readiness levels of students in terms of academic, affective, and social aspects.

The opening speech of the workshop was delivered by Ms. Emine AKINCI, the Head of Research, Development and Projects Department in the General Directorate of Secondary Education of the Ministry of National Education. Following the presentations made by the members of the Technical Assistance Team on the purposes of the Project and the activity, the participants were divided into groups, and they made examinations and evaluations on the relevant areas.

Operation Coordination Unit members of the Project, central organisation staff of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), academicians and subject and guidance teachers in the pilot schools participated in the workshop.

The Second Steering Committee Meeting under ODAP OrganisedThe Second Steering Committee Meeting under ODAP Organised

The second Steering Committee Meeting, the first of which was organised on 14th June 2022, was held on 20th December 2022 in Ankara with the participation of the officials of the Project Consortium Leader Eductrade S.A. and Consortium Partner EPTİSA Türkiye, the representatives of the Directorate of European Union and Financial Assistance in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the European Union Delegation to Türkiye, the officials of the Operation Coordination Unit under the General Directorate of Secondary Education in the Ministry of National Education (Beneficiary Institution) as well as the project stakeholders including universities, CSOs, and related public institutions.

The meeting started with the opening speeches of the Project Director Mr. Guillermo ALVAREZ, Education and Training Sector Manager in the European Union Delegation to Türkiye Prof. Dr. Mustafa BALCI, Department Head in the Directorate of European Union and Financial Assistance in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security Mr. Osman Murat ÇETİN and the General Director of the Secondary Education in the Ministry of National Education Mr. Halil İbrahim TOPÇU. Following the opening speeches, Ms. Emine AKINCI, the Head of Research, Development and Projects Department in the General Directorate of Secondary Education of the Ministry of National Education, delivered her presentation on the Project. After the presentation made by Ms. AKINCI, the presentation on the activities implemented in the previous 6 months of the Project and the activities planned for the next 6 months was delivered by the Project Team Leader Ms. Nuzzly RUIZ DE FORSBERG. In the following session of the meeting, the steering committee members conveyed their opinions and recommendations regarding the project activities.

The next Steering Committee Meeting is planned to be held in June 2023.

The Last Study Visit within The Scope of ODAP Activities Completed in Spain

With this study visit, it was aimed to observe the best practices in Spain, where many interventions and programmes have been conducted for many years in relation to the prevention of early school leaving, school attendance and increasing the enrolment rates. The information obtained during the visit is intended to give inputs into the Integrated Model of Prevention, Intervention, and Compensation as well as Early Warning System, which will be implemented in 50 pilot schools in 14 provinces in Türkiye.

Within the scope of the study visit, the staff of the General Directorate of Secondary Education of the Ministry of National education visited Eductrade S.A., the consortium leader of the project, the General Subdirectorate for Territorial Cooperation and Educational Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training as well as Tomillo Foundation and exchanged information with the officials there related to the education system, programmes to combat school absenteeism and increase enrolment rates in secondary education in Spain. Moreover, they visited the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports of the Government of the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha and discussed the structure of the education, activities to combat school absenteeism and early school leaving in these regions. In addition, the study visit delegation paid a visit to the Embassy of Türkiye in Spain as well as 3 schools in Madrid and Toledo.

Information and experience exchanged during the study visits held within the scope of the project to Sweden, the Netherlands and Spain, respectively will contribute to the Integrated Model of Prevention, Intervention, and Compensation and the Early Warning System, which will be designed and implemented under the project.

The Fırst Workshop for The Development of Measurement Tools for Determınatıon of Readıness Level of Students Completed

The first one of the workshops for the evaluation of the measurement tools for determination of readiness level of students in terms of cognitive, emotional and psychomotor skills and social aspects under ODAP activities took place in Ankara on the dates between 28 and 30 November 2022.

Operation Coordination Unit members of the Project, central organisation staff of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), academicians and subject teachers in the related fields in the pilot schools participated in the event.

The workshop started with the opening speech of Ms. Emine AKINCI, the Head of Research, Development and Projects Department in the General Directorate of Secondary Education of the MoNE and continued with the presentation of the TAT members on the purposes of the Project and the activity.

In the activity, firstly, presentations were made on the principles, methods and techniques of measurement and evaluation in education. Following the presentations, the participants shared their opinions and evaluations by reviewing in detail the measurement tools, which have been developed in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology within the scope of the Project and which play a significant role in the academic success of students.