The second study visit within the scope of ODAP was held in the Hague, Rotterdam, Sneek and Groningen cities of the Netherlands between 23-25 November 2022.
The staff of the General Directorate of Secondary Education in the Ministry of National Education paid visits to the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science as well as Ingrado (National Association for School Attendance Officers and Early School Leaving Professionals), 1 Municipality and 2 schools in Zuidwest Friesland region and DUO (Education Executive Agency) and exchanged their knowledge and experience with the officials in the related institutions within the scope of the study visit, which was carried out in order to observe the activities and best practices concerning the prevention of the early school leaving and absenteeism in the Netherlands.
Preparatory work continues for the last one of the study visits, which are intended to contribute to the development of the Integrated Model of Prevention, Intervention and Compensation and the Early Warning System in the secondary education.